So often I hear Christians say that they don’t get anything out of bible study unless it has a practical application to their life. That strikes me as self-centered, or at the very least, shallow.
For me, it is just the opposite. Bible study has to reveal the character, the nature, the beauty of Jesus and what He stands for. What HE has done. How He has redeemed mankind. Bible study for me should show how the scriptures are harmonious throughout, building my faith that they are the inspired Word of God.
After having seen the image of God and His goodness. . . THEN the correct attitude and behavior will follow. I want to know whom I am following. When I trust HIM, the rest naturally follows. You will desire what God desires, you will hunger and thirst after righteousness. You will WANT to spend time studying the Bible. And when you spend time in the Word, your image (if you are truly a disciple of Christ) will start being transformed into a likeness of Jesus. The Word becomes alive in your soul and the practical application will spring forth automatically.
Let us not get the “cart before the horse.”