So often I hear Christians say that they don’t get anything out of bible study unless it has a practical application to their life. That strikes me as self-centered, or at the very least, shallow. For me, it is just the opposite. Bible study has to reveal the character, the nature, the beauty of Jesus and what He stands for. What HE has done. How He has redeemed mankind. Bible study for me should show how the scriptures are harmonious throughout, building my faith that they are the inspired Word of God. After having seen the image of God and His goodness. . . THEN the correct attitude. . . .
Contemporary Christian “Music”
It has finally become personal—my aversion to and strong dislike of contemporary Christian music. The pastor of the church I attend proclaimed from the pulpit that if you come to church late enough to miss the “worship time” and come only to hear the speaker, then you are a hypocrite. Well, I am no hypocrite. And I’m sure that he did not have ME personally in mind as he was speaking, but I DO purposely arrive to church AFTER the song service. So how do I square what the pastor said about being a hypocrite with me simply detesting the choice of music they sing and play. . . .
The Last Stronghold
I originally wrote this on January 1, 2019. It holds even more true today. Youth was an enemy in disguise. In times of distress I would cry out to God but I trusted in Youth. Youth would say, “I will fix this; I am strong, pretty, smart, quick-witted and resourceful.” And so I would win the battle, acknowledging God, but glorifying Youth. With each new battle I’d cry out to God to pull down every stronghold. Now I find myself faced with the greatest trial yet. “God,” I cried, “please let me see the enemy clearly so that that I may fight.” So I arose to fight. But to my dismay my physical. . . .
Ready for Harvest
There is talk of desiring a revival in my church. It’s ironic, that I have just been thinking about revival in my own life. It seems I’ve come full circle to when I was in my early years of being a Christian. After having gone through many of life’s stages, now, as was the case in the early years, I have an insatiable desire to know more about God and his Christ. I am, again, more aware of my actions and whether they measure up to Biblical teaching. My inner being is more awakened, more joyful, more in tune to spiritual things. It occurred to me that this experience in my. . . .
Those Golf Balls!
When my oldest daughter was around 5 years old she would take her little wagon and gather stray golf balls on the outskirts of the country club near our home. She would then sell them for .50 each to the golfers. One day she had a wagon-full of golf balls that had a colored band around them. I told her those belonged to the country club’s driving range and that she would have to return them. Of course she was disheartened as she was already seeing dollar signs. She tried to justify keeping them to sell. That Sunday at church she was lying in the pew beside me. . . .
Quantum Physics
One time my sister asked, “How can every eye see him (Jesus) when he comes”? (Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen. Rev. 1:7) Off the cuff, my answer was that maybe we would all suddenly see into the quantum dimension; that the veil that separates us from the other dimensions would be dissolved and we would see what has been there all along—Jesus in all his glory. Well, of course I know NOTHING about quantum physics, but it was an intriguing thought. . . .
Music & Why my Tastes have Changed
Lately I’ve wondered why I no longer relate to or even desire to listen to certain music that I actually happen to appreciate (I’m referring especially to the music of my generation)? The instrumentals are well done, the voices are gravelly or soulful and the lyrics reflect raw human emotions, questions, longing, angst. Yes, I have felt all those feelings. But I can no longer relate to the music. Mainly due to the fact that the songwriters and/or musicians are STILL searching for something. I cannot relate because I have found hope and I lay hold on that. . . .
DL Moody Regarding Faith
This morning the speaker at the church I was attending mentioned a quote by the great American evangelist from the late 1800s, DL Moody. It expressed exactly what I’ve been trying to explain to a few people I know that claim to be weak in faith (though they WANT to believe). I’ve told them that “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God” (Romans 10:17). In other words, you can’t just WISH for faith if you don’t want to read the very Word that imparts faith. DL Moody said it much better that I could have ever said it. “I prayed for Faith, and thought that some day Faith would. . . .
Speaking of DL Moody
Look at what I have in my own home library!
Hidden Manna or meat sacrificed to idols
I was casually reading the 2nd chapter of Revelation regarding the letters to the angels of the seven churches. The angel of the church of Pergamum is told they will be given hidden manna to eat. (I wonder if that is the same thing David meant when he talked about “Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies . . . Psalms 23:5) Okay, fine. Most Christians know that isn’t referring to the same manna that was in the wilderness. We take it to mean “spiritual food”. Especially if we know the words of Jesus who said He is the true manna from heaven. He. . . .