(FOOTSTOOL: Another Word Not Used Consistently By Bible Commentators) The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool. Psalm 11:1 (Incidentally, that verse is quoted seven times in the New Testament. As I’ve mentioned in my earlier posts, the fact that it is quoted frequently in the NT should get our attention). I have heard this verse explained to mean that Jesus will conquer his enemy and place his foot on the neck of the defeated, as was the custom of conquerors in ancient times, in order to show complete subjection of the enemy. Here is. . . .
& THE DANGER IN RELYING ON COMMENTARIES We are continuing our discussion on HOW to study the Bible. I mentioned in my previous post regarding Bible translations and Bible study tools, that one principle to follow is that words keep the same definition throughout the Bible. Let’s take, for example, the word “leaven”. Matthew, Mark and Luke record Jesus telling his disciples to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, Sadducees and Herod. The disciples reasoned amongst themselves thinking that Jesus meant actual bread. Jesus rebuked them for their lack of understanding and. . . .
Bible Translations & Why They Matter
(And other study tools) Caveat: It occurred to me as I was writing this post that there are countless devout Christians who read paraphrased interpretations of the Bible, for example The New Living Translation. The information I am providing is in no way meant to offend those precious saints. My faith is such that God preserves His truth in spite of man’s feeble attempts to translate and paraphrase. If you want the truth, God will see to it that you get the truth. Since I discussed in my previous post Bible Study versus Devotionals, it seems pertinent to discuss Bible translations and. . . .
Some years ago, I was innocently telling my pastor that I thought my “gift” or talent, if you will, (as in gifts to use in the body of Christ) was the ability to write, especially on Biblical topics. He said, “Oh, you want to write devotionals?” I think I stuttered a bit, trying to figure out how to explain to him what I meant, but the conversation turned quickly and I was left crestfallen. It was as if, because I was not in a position of authority, and because I am a woman, that my gift was reduced to just writing devotionals. What I wanted to tell this pastor. . . .
So often I hear Christians say that they don’t get anything out of bible study unless it has a practical application to their life. That strikes me as self-centered, or at the very least, shallow. For me, it is just the opposite. Bible study has to reveal the character, the nature, the beauty of Jesus and what He stands for. What HE has done. How He has redeemed mankind. Bible study for me should show how the scriptures are harmonious throughout, building my faith that they are the inspired Word of God. After having seen the image of God and His goodness. . . THEN the correct attitude. . . .
Contemporary Christian “Music”
It has finally become personal—my aversion to and strong dislike of contemporary Christian music. The pastor of the church I attend proclaimed from the pulpit that if you come to church late enough to miss the “worship time” and come only to hear the speaker, then you are a hypocrite. Well, I am no hypocrite. And I’m sure that he did not have ME personally in mind as he was speaking, but I DO purposely arrive to church AFTER the song service. So how do I square what the pastor said about being a hypocrite with me simply detesting the choice of music they sing and play. . . .
The Last Stronghold
I originally wrote this on January 1, 2019. It holds even more true today. Youth was an enemy in disguise. In times of distress I would cry out to God but I trusted in Youth. Youth would say, “I will fix this; I am strong, pretty, smart, quick-witted and resourceful.” And so I would win the battle, acknowledging God, but glorifying Youth. With each new battle I’d cry out to God to pull down every stronghold. Now I find myself faced with the greatest trial yet. “God,” I cried, “please let me see the enemy clearly so that that I may fight.” So I arose to fight. But to my dismay my physical. . . .
Music & Why my Tastes have Changed
Lately I’ve wondered why I no longer relate to or even desire to listen to certain music that I actually happen to appreciate (I’m referring especially to the music of my generation)? The instrumentals are well done, the voices are gravelly or soulful and the lyrics reflect raw human emotions, questions, longing, angst. Yes, I have felt all those feelings. But I can no longer relate to the music. Mainly due to the fact that the songwriters and/or musicians are STILL searching for something. I cannot relate because I have found hope and I lay hold on that. . . .