Bible Translations & Why They Matter


(And other study tools) Caveat: It occurred to me as I was writing this post that there are countless devout Christians who read paraphrased interpretations of the Bible, for example The New Living Translation. The information I am providing is in no way meant to offend those precious saints. My faith is such that God preserves His truth in spite of man’s feeble attempts to translate and paraphrase. If you want the truth, God will see to it that you get the truth. Since I discussed in my previous post Bible Study versus Devotionals, it seems pertinent to discuss Bible translations and. . . .

Jill Jordan

It was at the last hour, so to speak, while building the website to feature my father’s writing, that I decided to add my own blog. Yes, occasionally I get an insight into the scriptures that is worthy to mention. From Dad I learned a style of bible study that uses the entire bible, linking like phrases together, even if they don’t immediately appear to go together. (Thus the importance of a good chain reference feature). The results are quite rewarding. As St. Augustine is credited as saying: The new [Testament] is in the old concealed; the old [Testament] is in the new revealed.
To further expand on that thought, Dad was a firm believer that the bible does not ask a question that it does not answer somewhere else in the scriptures and that symbols and definitions hold true throughout the entire Bible. These ideas have greatly enhanced my understanding of the bible and theology.

Having said all that, I’ll say this: I hope I can do C. Leo Jordan proud.

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